Friday, May 6

Oh What Fun We Had!

Okay people ... not as much Twittering or Face Booking going on as I had planned ... but that is because we had a very busy and fun time with Lia and Joan in De Craftorij.
First up ... you need to know ... well ... to be fair ... you probably don't ... but I did!!! De Craftorij is pronounced De Craftory ... it is made up from Craft and Factory ... like Craft-Tory! Second up ... and it's highly likely that I am the only person on the planet that pronounced Ede ... Ede and it is in fact pronounced Ada! See not only am I having fun but Lia is doing her best to educate me as well! Get this ... I am fluent in Dutch greetings too ... Hello is Hallo!
So ... today we have been demoing and making Make and Takes and tomorrow is a day of workshops ... then pancakes ... and they call this work ... I say they ... that is what I tell John I am doing :0)
Just a couple of quick demo tags to show you tonight ... and a few of the lovely crafters that I have met! As you can see ... we played with The Wendy Vecchi stamps and oodles of Ranger goodies with Lord Tim of Holtz stamps ... you know Tim ... the man that can land a Jumbo Jet on the top of a playing card while performing Ice Sculpture to music in the Sahara desert with just a charm clip and an Adornment!
The atmosphere in Lia's shop is very laid back ... everyone either shops or just comes in for coffee ... from Lia's very posh coffee machine ... even the husbands come in and sit and read their newspapers ... a real family affair ... so no complaints at all!
Apart from a whole bag incident ... it pains me to speak of it really ... but I have the BEST handbag ever ... it has history and provenance ... a real conversation piece ... I LOVE it ... maybe a bit more than is entirely healthy ... but hey ... it's my bag! Busy working away I was ... went to said bag and I could n't pick it up ... the glorious bag charm which displayed the handcrafted princess cut ten carat diamond was right under the table leg ... said table loaded with stash ... so really really reeeeeally heavy and I could n't lift it. Joan to the rescue ... bag ... well frankly it was tainted and ruined ...

Does a certain Miss Anneliese Bates look at all sad or sorry that she picked the entire table up and dropped it on my bag???? ... seriously she said she was sorry ... but look at the pictorial evidence and you decide!
I am off to lay on the floor outside her room and snore ... but that's a whole 'nother story!
Have a good weekend!


Cindy said...

Oh Linda, I love the tags you made and the shop sounds like a divine place be!

Hugs XX

Gabrielle said...

I have gone into mourning for your bag - although the bags and tags in the photos are just gorgeous! So glad you're having a fab time and learning a new language too!

Kaz said...

LOooks like you are having a great time!tags look fab too!How long are you there for?? enjoy xx

Willemijn said...

G'day Anneliese and Linda,

Thank you so much for the lovely artbag we've created yesterday. We love it! Enjoy your time in Holland :D

Willemijn & Sandra

yoursartfully said...

So pleased that you are having a fabulous time but sad about your bag. Does this mean we need another trip to the Fossil shop?????

Have a great class today.
Lin x

Alix said...

rip linda's fab bag ;)
awesome crafting tho...everything looks so yummy!

Netrix said...

I feel for you and your bag, I too lost my fave most beloved bag many moons ago oh the pain but got an almost identical replacement from the parents on their travels last yr in Italy
Love the tags

Helen said...

Gorgeous tags, beautiful tags, wonderful tags... I like them, ok!
Sorry about your bag disaster.

De Craftorij sounds a wonderful place, I wish I was there - it is raining here today!! Did you write on the wall yet?

Ali said...

Ooh those tags are lush! Sorry to hear about your bag... it sounds like it laid down its life in the cause of you having a rocking good time though! :)

jolande said...

Linda it was wonderful today..I enjoy it from the first minute untill the last...Thanks for sharing all your idee's
Big hug Jolande

Uhooi said...

Waw, this is very creative and nice,,

Lia said...

Ooooo....she does not look sorry AT ALL!!! :-)


A Crafting Journey