Saturday, June 19

Ranger U! OMG … Pinch Me!


Well … My first day at Ranger U and I have broken a major rule already! They say … No photos on the tour … where the magic happens …  like none … nada … zilch … I just could n’t resist … this is one of the production lines … but please don’t tell anyone that you have seen it … and if that part does slip out … please don’t tell them where you saw it :0)

The place is full of magic … so much to oooh and arrh over … just imagine it and I promise you … you won’t even come close to how totally cool it really is … amazing … mesmerising … someone lock me in …. purlease!!!!100_3605(1)

I tell you what though guys … if you were thinking I was having like a little holiday or just non stop play-time … you would be sooooo wrong! I have been flat out working all day :0) I have learned so many new things already … I just can’t wait to share!

You wanted a blow by blow account so my day today … Breakfast with THE Wendy Vecchi … the lovely Darcy … and Anneliese. Oh yeah … read that part again … I had breakfast with THE Wendy Vecchi!!!! Then I gets into Ranger U and I sit next to THE Wendy Vecchi. You wanna know what she is like … think about the loveliest person you know … and she is probably lovelier … I am trying really hard not to drool over her work … but trust me people it aint easy!

100_3599(1) So … sat next to THE Wendy Vecchi and then a whole morning of tuition from Lord Tim of Holtz … you know Tim … the man that can cure all infectious diseases while playing ice hockey on unfrozen water with just a mini mister and a popsicle stick full of Perfect Pearls. You wanna know if I still think he is worthy of hero worship … gawd Blimey yeah … he is just the best teacher … such a pleasure to watch and listen to … such an awesome morning!

OK … so this afternoon we spent with Suze Weinbergapplebees Duchess of the Meltpot … I am kicking myself because I did n’t take any pictures of her stunning beeswax collages … but they were gorgeous! I really learned a lot from Suze and she is just so totally lovely and funny too … another great lady!

I blinked and the day was done … it went that quick!

Finished the day with a BBQ with the Ranger family … what a truly great group of people … then Anneliese and I managed to tempt … erm … one or two people over to Applebees for a drink and I had the most humungus dessert!

Blimey … well done if you read this far … but you wanted a detailed account … right???? and I shall be back tomorrow … with more … enjoy your Saturday’s people … Laters!


Unknown said...

Ranger U how wondeful! I love your umpas...too cute. I don't blame you for sneaking a few photos. How could you resist?

Anonymous said...

OMG Im so jealous. If I could just figure out how to get in there!!!!! Maybe I could disguise myself as an umpa!!!!! Sounds like your having a blast. Tell Sir Tim of Holtz that I love him!!!
Can't wait to hear about tomorrow!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...


I know this is a dream come true for you. Please don't think the rest of the country is like Newark (big grin because everyone always picks on Newark, but that's where most people who visit NYC fly into). Have a great day tomorrow.

Linda M. Cain said...

Aahhhh yes, Applebee's. We spent a lot of time there! So close, so convenient after a HARD DAYS WORK! Told you it was no walk in the park. They work you hard, worth every moment!!!
Have a great flies by in nothing flat.

Tell Jess and Jeanne from Vintaj hi from me! You'll love them.

You can sleep when you get home.


Unknown said...

Getting greener by the day! what a fantastic day (no photos though I supose they have to keep their jucy secrets secret ha ha) love the umpalumpas lol. Just orderd my 1st Melting pot so look fwd to the tips from you (via Suze of course lol)

So give is this a course you can pay for or a wonderful work related fact finding misssion?

Love Dawn xx

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Ditto to Linda's comment above! I have spotted several faces in the photos of people I know ! Never any doubt you wouldn't enjoy...

Crafting Queen said...

Sounds like you are having a time of your life! Wish I was there. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

Kath Stewart said...

looks like you are having a the pic of wendy but where is Lord Tim's head....waiting with bated breath for the next instalment....big hugs kath xxx

Jester said...

Do I look green?!

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Glad you are having a ball...keep working hard can't wait for the next up date!

Have fun.xx

SueC said...

OMG you have only gone and cut off "the" Lord Tim's head - how are you going to learn anything tomorrow!!! and what are you doing blogging at 03.00 hours when you should be getting your sleep for all the techniques you will have crammed into your head!!
LOL Enjoy your time there it goes sooooo fast!
Love Sue xx

yoursartfully said...

I knew you would have a fab time, see you are all hooked on the sangria! Say hi to Joan and Leah for me. Can't wait til you get back to hear all your stories.

Lin x

Kaz said...

WOW how much fun are U having??? have a fantastic time pleaze touch tim for me lol, from a green umpa lumpa!!xxx

Kaz said...

WOW how much fun are U having??? have a fantastic time pleaze touch tim for me lol, from a green umpa lumpa!!xxx

Sid said...

Sound like great fun !!

Julia Dunnit said...

Soak it all in gal!

Glen said...

*Blowing my VuVuZela*. *Ü* Oooo..that is one fab mix of peeps amongst you Linda. I see you are sitting at the end of the table - next to Tim! LOL. What a wonderful experience you are having. Is that an iPad Wendy has?
Have a Super Saturday. TFS. ~Glen~

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds totally amazing!!!

Andrea said...

thanks Linda for sharing this experience with us all, love to read the antics and sooooooo glad you met Wendy for breakfast and look forward to hearing and seeing more, enjoy xx

Anneliese said...

Fancy seeing you there ! It was a truely lovely day ... Can't wait for this morning to start ! See you at 8 !

Carol Q said...

LOL - You enthusiasm and enjoyment is wonderful Linda. I don't have to wish you a wonderful time because I can tell you definitely are! Thanks for taking the time to live through your experiences too! LOL

Karen said...

OMG I am so envious. No way can you call that work!!!
Funny that 'TIM' has a name tag saying that: You can recognise him even as a headless man in the background!
And did I mention that I am sooooooo envious!

Helen said...

Have been keeping up on Mario's Tweets, seen you several times, lol!!!
What amazing work was done on the first day - can't wait for day 2. So glad you're having fun- well, it wasn't going to disappoint, was it!!

G Peplow said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, us lesser mortals will be eagerly waiting for the next instalment.........:)

Netty said...

You are obviously having the most amazing time of your life. Brilliant, wonder if you will have time to take a breath......maybe. Annette

Kay said...

Sounds like you are having a ball! Can't wait to see all your new techniques when you get back. I have a sadly neglected meltpot so looking forward to learning what to do with it from you.

Minxy said...

Ah actually it looks a load of rubbish....glad i'm not there as i would be bored stiff...

...not a very good liar am i LOL

Val said...

Wow - I am 'kermit green' !!! Can't wait to hear everything when I come to your next class.

craftimamma said...

Oh, lucky, lucky, lucky you! I know I wouldn't be able to keep up but I'd have a darned good try, Lol!

Waiting for the next instalment with bated breath.

Lesley Xx

Hels Sheridan said...

Sounds like you all are having THE BEST time...come on, want to know more and more please....hugs xxx

Kathy said...

great to hear it's all going well - I was worried that you'd hate it once you got there - you know, after all the excitement of the countdown - you might be hating every minute and feeling homesick..............yeah, right!
Have a great, super wonderful tiem

ScrappyDandyDoo said...

It looks fabulous, glad your having a great time :D
Julie xx

Unknown said...

Sounds like a right old bore to me!!!

Have bought lots of canvas board today ready to be covered with all the boring techniques you are bound to show us whilst boring us stupid about some bloke called T!m.

Seriously sounds annoyingly like you are having a good time and long may it continue (annoyingly!)

Elaine said...

Well Linda - it sounds like you are having a complete blast. All that anticipation and excitement was well justified by the sound of it - have you got the class all singing your song yet though?

Looking forward to more feedback very soon!

Elaine xx

Lori said...

Oh, you made me laugh with your wonderful post of your fantastic day. I would've loved to have been there--lucky you! Thanks for sharing your day and your humor. I am a follower too.

Glen said...

Everyone's talking about you Linda! *Ü* Suze has blogged about you. Mario has tweeted about you. Ranger U has blogged with a pic of you too! Have fun - even more fun! ~Glen~

Dawn Edwards said...

I just adore reading your blog and the suspense of Ranger U trip! Now the trip is here and is Blowing by so fast it's bitter sweet! It's great to read you having so much fun and meeting such fabulous crafter's!

Creative Grammie said...

Hi There; this is my first time visiting your blog, my goodness what have I missed?! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time at Ranger U.

Kim Costello said...

Wow looks amazing Linda and sounds like you are having the experience of a lifetime looking forward to more of your show and tell!
TFS HuGs Kim :)

Angie said...

Not sure how you are having time to post ...but so glad you have, so I can feel the fun you are having ...thanks for sharing xx

Unknown said...

Tim Holtz and Ranger products, my favorites! You are a lucky lady! Enjoy for all of us who are drooling right now! Great blog, thanks for sharing your experience! Stop by and visit sometime, enjoy the party, XOXO

Lia said...

Hi Linda,

Great to read about your Ranger adventures :-)
Thanks for your company yesterday and today, we had a great time!!!

Rosie said...

Gnashing the carpet with envy here - I do so WISH I was there!! It all sounds FAB!

Angela Toucan said...

looks like you are having fun. I'm so out of theloop - I don't know who these famous people are (roll eyes).


A Crafting Journey