Yikes ... I simply hate paying out vast sums on non craft purchases!
Another tag today ... to be more precise ... another demo tag ... I promise I have been making stuff this week ... none of it is quite finished yet ... so I am not ready to share! So muchos apologies if you are getting bored with the whole tag fest!
I am getting a bit concerned now ... apparently rehearsals for the big day are going ahead and I still have n't seen ... or been fitted for my bridesmaid dress ... what with Wills and Kate spending the next week out of the public eye ... well to be frank ... they are nigh on impossible to get hold of! And if I ring Charles ... well ... I will be on the phone for forever and I really can't spare the time! I guess I am just going to have to turn up on the day and hope I have n't added one too many frills to my cerise pink silk number ... and that the off one shoulder look was indeed the right choice!
Right ... I must away ... I have more waiting to do ... I may as well make the most of the time and make something!
I am fed up with the whole tag fest so me thinks that I should be able to own this one just to make sure that I really am fed up with them... lol.... hope car is ok... maybe it doesn't need much doing so they are leaving it til last... you know a quick change of spark plug and that will do the job... am X-ing fingers for ya!! As for the frock... tis peach with kingfisher blue sashes... but don't tell anyone I told you... Camilla will do her nut rofl
Oh I hope you have better luck with your car than me. Basically mine was in intensive care and I do thank my dh for paying the drs cept it was having relapses!! Don't think my dr was a consultant!! So a FEW £1,000.00s later she's on the mend!
Speaking of lord tim, wonder where he's goin to put those tassel embellies, in fact I wonder who will get them? Did you put a couple on your frock sweet pea?? Might come in handy for the evening do. You stayin for that part?? Lol
Must go, nature calling and btw tags are lush ( had better mention the gorge arty craftiness)
Good afternoon ( I'm curtsying at this point in you honour Lady E)
Jeanette xx
Lmao @ Hels, keep them coming, those tag samples are lush, I never saw this one as if I had I would fighting Hel's for it. Hope the Car Doc rings soon, definitley don't want to be splashing the cash just before the wedding of the year ... hmmm think OK will have something to say about said colour choice and off the shoulder number ma dear! x
Great tag, love your pearl drops !!
fabby tag Linda
soz to hear you have a poorly car, hope it isn't too sick! As for the wedding, I heard the bridesmaids dresses have been taken straight out of Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - neon pink with flashing lights and lots of boob on show - you'll look great!!!!!!!!!
Great tag - love the colour comb. I think as long as you aren't wearing a big ol white creation, you'll be fine!
I love your Tags! Keep 'em coming. Hoe you'll show some of your other projects when finished.
Gorgeous tag, great colour choice! Love the pearly trimmings! Hope your car is all fixed! I heard it was turquoise taffetta btw! xx
gorgeous tag - and thanks for pointing out that the letters are a perfect fit!
Hope the motor doesn't break the bank, love the tag and the use of the charm clips
no no, not fed up at all, keep'm coming! lovely colors on this one. and love the way you blog, lol! (hope car is fixed by now! :O )
Your blog is delightful. Just hilariously funny. I love your tags and other work and your tales of going to CHA. Some day I ant to learn the Tim Holtz tricks!
You daft duck... you do make me laugh!!! I am lovin the tags and how you did the charm clips... bet that car will be fine when they have finished its refurb for use on the big day - didn't you know it was all a conspiracy to get your car for use to the Abbey!!!
Tee hee
Sorry to read about the car Linda, and as I'm behind with visits (again) I've already read the next post ....Ouch! Thanks goodness for your Knight in Shining Armour.
I love all your tags and don't care how many you post. Those charm clips are great.
Lesley Xx
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