I know you are not supposed to start on the first page of a journal ... far too daunting ... and that sounds decidedly like a rule ... but try as I may ... I just could not bring myself to start anywhere other than the first page ... it was the 1st of the 1st after all!!! Anyways ... I took three ink pads and just swiped them all randomly over the page ... very pink ... not a good start from where I was standing and mentally ... at that point ... my journal became another practice journal ... that is what I call the other 6 gazillion that I have started!!!
I then decided that the very pink page was just far too scary to free hand doodle on as planned ... so I merrily stamped some Studio 490 flowers ... at that point I was right back in my comfort zone ... if you are like me and find free hand doodling tricky ... The Wendy Vecchi stamps are definitely the way forward. I filled each flower with a different design ... that part was the best fun ... and so relaxing. Then to join them all ... I drew grass ... and coloured it in. Date wise ... it was about the 4th by now and I still had n't decided how I was going to make the title ... this worried me no end ... but I kept going with my daily entries. The title finally
As for the journal page ... I have now established about a hundred rules for my next page ... that probably says a whole heap of stuff about me ... and Do I like my first page? ... well ... the jury is still out on that one ... More to the point did I enjoy doing it? ... Hell Yeah! As for No Right and No Wrong ... Do ya want a list :0)
Gorgeous work
Linda this page is amazing, I can't wait to see how this journal grows ... fantastic.
***Happy New Year***
Well, I think it's lovely! Can't see any "wrong" here at all....
ohhhhhhhhh it's lovely.
Blimey I could have written your first paragraph myself, word for word!
(and the bit at the end about not being sure if you like the page but having lots of fun doing it)
I'm brand new at this lark too as of 1/1 and it will be interesting to see how long it takes the both of us to like our journals :)
I of course think your page looks FAB , but then other people always do, we're all our worst critics, eh?
PS my favourite bit is the way you have drawn the grass
I love every square cm of this ...beautiful ... love the zentangling and that grass is spectacular. Must get back into being creative ...so much wizzing round in my head ...all in different creative directions .... your pages have reminded me that I did a journal cover and never took it further ....oh I am such a bad crafter person lol Happy New Year.xx
Perfect is killing...but your journaling is so nice that it's almost perfect.
Enjoy it and give us a sneak peak sometimes
Have a nice day Jolande
Looks FAB hun x
I'm still shocked from reading "I don't really consider myself as an arty sort of a girl" ... well, as someone that looks at your blog, I can honestly say ..errr, yes you are :) Your journal is beautiful, totally beautiful.
love this Linda, absolutely beautiful!
Gosh if you are not arty, I hate to think what I am, that spread is gorgeous:)
Linda, that is stunning & by the way, if you're not arty, I'm Tinkerbell! You're not just arty you're uber arty!:D
Wow, fabulous pages!! I love the colors, cool images, and beautiful created!! You did an awesome job on the pages!!
My American phrase for this is...TOTALLY AWESOME, DUDE! Love it!
Great pages. The colours are lovely - fab start to your journal.
Toni :o)
I just LOVE your page!!!!! I too have never done an art journal before...however I have just joined the Kathryn Whhel challenge...and I am planning on my own arty journal too...so out of my comfort zone but I am sure I will learn lots along the way.......Love the pink, and your stamped flowers look amazing!!! Thank you for the inpspiration......and why not start at the beginning....I know I look back on my first pages and laugh, but hey I guess you have to start somewhere....and you have hit the ground running! Hugs Juls
Er, did you say you don't do journals............. and you're not arty?????? Wrong!!!! You do both and beautifully at that.
Lesley Xx
looks brill.....and its pink
ooooh i really like your doodling...and the stars are perfect....but it is a bit pink, innit!!??!! ;0)
Linda these pages are pretty pefect! I see no wrongs here,,and enyway who is to judge??? Its all about finding inner comfort...go for it Gal!!
Your pages are gorgeous Linda, fab colours :-) As youu say no right or wrong. I love doing the 365 journal 'cos I get to play and experiment. I never think my pages are as good as the others I see but it's all about the experimenting for me.
Anne xx
love the colours, grass, images, hand writing well the whole page really.
fantabulous page.....I started doing a journal too....and it TOTALLY scares me~ need to do more!! break the fear!
Linda? Arty? YES you are!! You are such a creative writer as well, a stunning combination. A masterpiece in the making can't wait to see more xx
love your journal page, I think you got it all right.
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