Wednesday, July 7

A Quick Look at my Desk!


It is Wednesday ... yes already ... so that means it is time for WOYWW!

Now there are a gazillion entries each week ... there is kind of a new rule ... we are encouraged by The Great One aka Julia to keep it brief :0)

I am a rule girl ... I likes rules ... well some rules anyways ... so ... this is my desk ... bit scruffy with lots missing!!! I did a class yesterday and loads of stuff is yet to be put away! I had a great time though ... blimey did we have a giggle ... Thank you ladies!!!

I have already broken my nekked easel rule ... you know ... always keep a card in there so I have one to hand for emergencies ... Doh! No card!!!

I have broken my calendar rule ... always have the correct date showing ... Doh! It is still on the 1st of July!!!

I have broken my Marie Osmond hand stitched tote rule ... put everything back once you have finished with it ... Doh! The tote is still in the boot of my car!!!

And this post is a bit longer than ... erm ... brief ... Doh! Sorry Julia!!!

I said I liked rules ... I did n't say I was very good at them!!! So c'mon spill ... what rules do you break???

I am off to visit y'all now so ...



Kate said...

You're just a rule breaking rebel today!

** Kate **

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

the desk looks a little forlorn without much on it!! as for breaking rules..well. go for it!

Cardarian said...

Desk is messy but not too messy - I am looking at that pinky thing you have there I need something like that for my desk at work...I just wish I could have a closer look ha, ha.....
I like rules but I think I break a lot of them!
Hugs Cardarian

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I try not to impose rules on myself or others. Then I don't have to break them. Of course, I fear part of my problem is I may not have the time to visit everyone for WOYWW this week. That's not really a rule, but a courtesy. And your desk looks rather forlorn, I think.

kjjc said...

errr all of them.

Anneliese said...

Gosh you are such a rebel lol :D :D :D .. morning Linda .. your desk is looking a tad empty, but isn't it a pain having to put everything back, I'm just the same after a workshop sigh .... :D x

Sue said...

Hi Linda
if i dont make a rule then i cant break it!! lol. lovely creative desk, have good day, sue,x

carlytheprincess said...

Haha, your post made me giggle. have a great day x

Unknown said...

hi, LOL, rules are made to be broken - at least occasionally!
Rach xx

Tracy Evans said...

Hi, I love your calendar, could do with one of them for my desk when you have a spare minute LOL. Oops I broke the rules too, mine was not brief at all, well there is always next week. I think your desk looks quite tidy actually. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x

craftimamma said...

There's some interesting bits down in the right hand corner - yummy colours. The rest of it looks a bit like mine - just a tad untidy!

Off to do my post now.

Lesley Xx

Mummylade said...

rules I break: don't buy new paper until you've used the ones you have (especially in the same colour), don't leave the cap of the glue, don't eat or drink by the computer.

I'm not good with don'ts...

Kate said...

LOL, that was funny...i just dont break rules, mainly because i dont have any :0)
Kate x

Alix said... post is much shorter than your post ;0)

Kathy said...

hehehe you little rebel, you! all those broken rules, whatever next....nope, I daren't even think about what that could be,.

The desk looks fab and busy, but then it always does

shaz earl said...

There's just no ruling you is there lol xx

Joey said...

Hiya Linda

LOL At least you are in the right month I can kinda deal with that, its when its august and the calendar shows may or something eeek there is something about that that really affects me rofl therapy may be needed!

Have a great week

yoursartfully said...

Rules are definitely meant to be broken but I'm not sure I can reveal my broken rules with all the world to see!!!!

Helen said...

Rules? No, never break rules, me never - like, never buy more stash than you need, or, or,! Love your desk today.

Lulabelle said...

Rules? What are they? Your poor desk, get more stuff on it Linda!
You always make me giggle!

Sunshine Girl said...

Loads of room for more stash on there! and surely rules are there to be broken arent they?

TinaB said...

ROFLMAO! You are completely mad! xx

Chrissie said...

Interesting bunch of stamps peeking out from underneath what looks like a pile of envelopes... show us more!

Hazel (Didos) said...

Rules are made to be broken!!!! LOL
Love the desk and the brief chat. Love Hazelxoxo

Belinda Dewar said...

Rules are meant to be broken. Unless of course they are made by Lord Tim of Castle Holtz =)

Diane said...

A fellow rule rebel!!!! LOL

Kath Stewart said...

love to see a messy desk...sign of a busy lady and hey you can come play anytime...will wine and dine you if you want to come and get messy here...big hugs kath xxx

Spyder said...

aw well...I alway stat off brief....but then the.... and.....

Jacqueline said...

As long as I can keep looking at all your fab work - you can break all the rules you want. Thanks for making me giggle again - Jacqueline xx.

Darcy Marshall said...

Rules are meant to be broken!

P.S who was wearing the jeans? can you break a rule and whip them off him? lol

minnie_mac said...

Just checked my calendar and see it's still on April ! Oops.


Rosie said...

You always make me laugh Linda - so keep right on breaking rules etc!

Claire said...

loving your desk as always Linda as for rules they were made to be bent & broken at every opportunity, my favourite on to break is no cups of tea on the counter at work... I need tea, Its an illness LOL!

Claire said...

loving your desk as always Linda as for rules they were made to be bent & broken at every opportunity, my favourite on to break is no cups of tea on the counter at work... I need tea, Its an illness LOL!

Annie said...

I'm all for a bit of rebellion when it comes to breaking rules :-) I like to live dangerously.
A x

Angela Toucan said...

didn't keep mine brief - wrote it before reading duh rule.

Have fun breaking more rules this week, just don't break the Law OK we want to see you again.

Twiglet said...

I love your earlier post projects - can I say that on WOYWW or is that breaking the rules - lol

Sid said...

Great shot, love all your stuff!

donnalouiserodgers said...

I break the rule of thumb and usually take exceptions to the rules, but accept they may help establish a cohesive society - but one thing is for sure - Craft Rules Okay....

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Fab post as always...How boring would life be if we stuck to the rules??


peggy aplSEEDS said...

LOL! uh oh, i broke the rule about short posts!

Anonymous said...

Linda, how come none of your 'lush' bean cans are in evidence? They are my most favourite!

Angie said...

Go on admit it only make rules so you can break them you little rebel lolm
I had to laugh at the calender bit ...DD is always moaning that I dont turn from the previous month until halfway throught the next ..on my kitchen calender. I'm not really a rule breaker but I do often say I'll do something and then dont.

Sew This N That said...

oh breaking makes you feel alive lol :)
*hugs* Heather x

Anonymous said...

Bah, if you take no notice of the rules to begin with you don't have to worry when you break them!


angeleef said...

And yet, considering how my post looks, this is VERY brief!
And don't they say... rules are there to be broken?
** Evi **

June said...

fab desk stuff Linda, I just saw your brilliant card in the craft stamper mag, its gorgeous. Beautiful work my friend
Hugs June xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

I break a lot. Probably the number one rule I break is the one about keeping your desk tidy enough to see waht you're actually doing! I hate unpacking after a workshop too - that's another rule I break..weekly!

Minxy said...

Rules...what rules! I do as i please and then suffer the fallout after lol
And as for your rule breaking, i'd say it was more old age forgetfullness PMSL :D

Kathy said...

You can come and play anytime you want, Linda! well almost, anyway! Mind you you'd need to bring your own stamps as I don't have many....oh, and I only have about 10 distress inks. You've probably changed your mind already!

janine said...

Goodness. The biggest rule I have broken to date (well, this year anyway) is the rule about starting my blog. I already have the spot out here lined up but I have yet to write anything in it....LOL Truth be told, and the main reason why I have broken this rule so far: I used to have a blog out here for a little over 10 years. I quit doing it because it got to be so much work. Flash forward a couple of years later to the present and here I sit with another blog, knowing how much work this is going to be and I just can't seem to get my butt off the ground and get crackin.


A Crafting Journey