Lin and I are having so much fun blogging these tins ... I don't get to see her post until it's blogged ... and we are becoming experts in synchronised blogging ... I am not one to brag ... but if they make it an Olympic sport ... we will probably win ... so as soon as 8.30pm comes and goes I shall be tearing over to her blog to read her write-up!
This tin was made using my favourite Big Daddy mould ... number 4 and Skinny Mini number 6 in Dark Chocolate metal ... yum yum :0)
This time the corset sides were joined using the Crop-a-dile and I hung a few of Tim's... the man that can water ski without water or skis... Idea-ology philosophy tags around the top to add a bit of interest. The beads were in my stash ... well they were n't actually ... they were on a bracelet that I chopped up because I needed brown wooden beads ... like now ... don't worry I will find a use for the rest of them too :0)
Am I alone thinking about Wrestling on a Saturday afternoon at the mere mention of the name Big Daddy? I am sat here desperate to say "A one-er, A two-er ... NO, NO, NO ... ask him ref" ... and Was n't his real name something girlie like Shirley Crabapple??? Anyone out there care to admit that they know what I am talking about??? Erm ... please??? Oh C'mon ... you have to remember Giant Haystacks surely???
I think I need a photography lesson, your pics are waaaaay better than mine and I hate to admit that I too remember the wrestling, my brother was a huge wrestling fan. Oh, I think Big Daddy's real name may have been Shirley Crabtree.
o0o0o what a neat project!!!! tfs.
neat project and thanks for bringing back childhood memories of a saturday afternoon....yes,it was defintely Shirley Crabtree lol you were close enough!
Great project, Linda - love it and just shows what you can do!
Yep, I remember the wrestling, too. My Nan was a huge fan and used to shut her shop early so that she could watch it at 4pm!
Yep, Shirley Crabtree. How sad are we?! Gorgeous tin. You could always dry the beans, paint them and use them as beads.... unless you really really like beans... or is Lin eating them too now?
I was watching the football and missed the dual blogs event! Gorgeous tin, it looks great- in both your photos.
I remember Shirley Crabtree too, and Giant Haystacks,all that thick black hair. Hating the wrestling though....
ROFL@Shirley Crabapple! Lovely tin :)
Truly fabulous tin :-)
I so remember the wrestling and the names yo mention .. my dad used to like very much so we got to watch too :-) Oooh memory lane and such like.
Carole x
wow, fab tin - looks like a lot of hard work there!
great work, so happy to see another beeenz tin!!! Nettie xx
great work, so happy to see another beeenz tin!!! Nettie xx
Oh crikey, memories of sitting watching wrestling with my Nan and booing at Mick MacManus!
Great tin Linda. Love that chocolate metal.
I just love your style of writing - you make both me and my OH laugh every time. I especially love your descriptions of Saint T!m - so imaginative! Does he know?
You art work is also amazing btw!
Your artwork is truly amazing, love your style. Thanks for sharing it.
LOL I remember Giant Haystacks :D ooeck should I really ahve said that LOL
another fab tin hun :D
The tin is stunning. Love the colours and the Big Daddy mould and yes, Big Daddy does always make me think of Saturday afternoon wrestling.
When my OH and I were 'courting' his dad always used to fall asleep watching it but if we changed the channel he would literally jump awake and say "Turn it back, I was watching that!" even though he had been snoring his head off.
Lesley Xx
Definitely Shirley Crabtree - I used to watch the wrestling with my Gran most Saturday afternoons! Fab tin again, nice to know I'm not the only one to chop up the odd bit of jewellery or something when it has the perfect embellie in there!
Oh that's fab, I am in awe of your metalwork, it's amazing.
I am now humming the World of Sport music in my head and thinking of Dickie Davis with his marvellous moustache!! So, no you're not alone xx
You are truly the queen of the bean tins Linda! It's fabulous! Oh and, I remember Shirley too! Lol! x
an excellent tin Linda and I can not wait to see these, I to remember the wrestling, I used to watch with my dad and my mums husband Brian was a miniture version of Giant Haystacks, will bring a pic with me to show you xx
Loving the tin - absolutely gorgeous and the colours are devine! I vaguely remember watching wrestling on a Saturday afternoon when I was little!
Shirley ROFL...!!!!....Of course, this is way before my time ;O))
Oh, and
Guess What?
I am 150 now hun...and still going up LOL
I am a day late with WOYWW...loved seeing in to your drawers ... love those units.
DD is going to get me some basic tools to try metal work, at Xmas, as I have decided to forgo the WV stamps at the moment ...heart rather than head was taking over ...maybe for my birthday instead ...cant wait to mess around with metal ...Its been on my mind for months.
I loved wrestling on Saturdays ...yes I remember them well ... am trying to remember the others. There was a cocky one who had a pony tail.
Later the American ones took over and my son was potty over all of them ...Andre the Giant ... Hulk Hogan ... British Bulldog etc
Ohhh I used to LOVE Big Daddy - makes me think of Ketchup too - didn't he advertise it at one point?
THIS Big Daddy is rather scrumptious looking - unlike as I recall, the other one ;)
The highlight of our Sat afternoon used to be watching Big Daddy and Giant wrestling without the violence..Like all your baked bean tins but I promise I am not going to say anything about the wind!!!
Your metalwork is fabulous!
Oh yes I remember Shirley Crabtree too ;) Fab-u-lous dahling (a la Craig Revel-Horwood) hehe - the tin that is!
Anne xx
Absolutely gorgeous tin Linda.I remember all those wrestling stars too :D
Cass xxx
looks great Linda, Ryan won't believe that these were bean tins you know!!! Have lots to catch up with, you have been a busy blogger
When I saw these Linda, I thought "Wow". Colours remind me of my old Mark 1 Capri. Grim X
Thanks for this chance to win this great candy!
Evelyne from Germany
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