Wednesday, October 13

A Tall Tale!

WOYWW0610 No ... Don't look away ... you have n't got the wrong link ... it is n't deja vue ... this is indeed last week's picture!

I just wanted to remind all you WOYWWers of my aerial shot and thank all you lovely desk hoppers for your concerns.

You see this week ... I was planning on telling a tall tale ... I took pictures and everything! Firstly ... WOYWW1310I stood on the chair and waved the camera at the desk ... to get a blurry shot and lead you guys to fall about laughing ... with shock and a  bit of concern too ... obviously.

That was the point that I discovered it is nigh on impossible to blur a shot with a digital camera and this second picture was the best I could do ... as I jumped off the chair ... onto the floor ... in a very daring dare devilish type manner.

WOYWWa1310 The third shot is indeed the result of said action. I lay on my back on the craft room floor and took the final shot ... the plan was ... this would be a post with pictures and no words.

Then it struck me ... if all of you got around the plethora of desks last week ... well you certainly would n't remember my aerial shot and little ole me in particular ... so the "no words" WOYWWc1310 post ... just a heading of #$%^%& would have made no sense whatsoever.

Anyways ... I have clearly failed at entertaining you and will therefore resort to picking at your grey matter instead ... the reality is that I got slightly carried away with filling bottle tops with little pictures etc., and Glossy Accents ... so suggestions please ... What is a girl to do with some of the bottle tops in her bottle top mountain?

I shall do my best to visit all you WOYWWers again today ... and if you have no clue what I am talking about ... check Julia out here ...



Carolynne said...

Words fail me Linda. I think your bottle top pictures are genius. However I am not sure about the photography aerobics, health and safety may need to be contacted LOL


Helen said...

Well, you made me smile (I can't laugh out loud as I am in the office and meant to be working)
Carolynne is right, Health & Safety would have a field day!!
Bottle Top Mountain? Not sure... makes a nice artistic heap though.

cheryl said...

well you made me smile hun can imagine you at all angles trying to take photos but love those bottle tops hugs cheryl xxx

Alicia.R. said...

Well I have to agree with Carolynne and Helen about the OH&S issues of those shots, maybe I could use them as examples in my next OH&S assignment. I am impressed with your bottle-tops, but am lost for ideas other than a large canvas of tops and collage.
Thanks for sharing and have a creative week
Alicia.R. (#74)

Kate said...

Fab bottle tops to what to do with them havent got a clue lol. sorry. sure you will cpome up with something awesome.
Kate x

Joey said...

ooooh Now I know any suggestion I made would never come to much knowing what you can do!!! I am looking forward to seeing what you do end up making with them all, Joey.x

whyducks said...

So you are in training now to be Sir holtz's stunt woman for when he takes over the roll of James Bond (licenced to Die cut.)

Kate said...

Bottle Top Bill (and his best friend Corky) say you need to string them together with chain and some fragment charms a la Tim.

I like the original post idea, next time go for it!!

** Kate **

Lynne Forsythe said...

Well then.....guess you got a bit carried away in you bottle cap mania!!! Not sure what one would do with that many bottlecaps....but I am sure YOU of all people will find something!!

Have a wonderful day my friend!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Make a necklace? - right up there with the button necklace someone showed and suggested we copy in a craft group I went to briefly!!! Mind you given the right buttons it would be ok and if you're an 'alternative' type girl the bottle top necklace may appeal. Perhaps you could use them to completely cover an object in the way people do with seashells :-0I think not!!
Hope you remembered to bend your knees before landing when you jumped off the chair :-)
Anne xx (58)
Anne xx

Anonymous said...

Lol, the things you do for a blog post! Funny though! I see jewellery not bottle tops.... I think other do too.

Brenda 96

Kath Stewart said...

crikey Mrs you are living dangerously..all this jumping around taking action shots and I see jewellery taking shape out of all those bottle tops...hugs kath xxx

Minxy said...

finally found the right post, your link from julia was to the sept 1st's post!!! I didn't see last weeks post so its all new and slightly bewildering to me lol i see a beautiful bottlecap frame like in timmy first first book being created but on a larger scale maybe!

misteejay said...

Should we be wondering when the men in white coats are going to arrive and take you to a nice safe padded place LOL

Bottle tops - perhaps link some together with jump rings and make some jewellery.

Toni :o)

Sherry said...

Wanna bet - your can't get a blurry picture with a digital camera - LOL

As for your bottletops - just think of one of your Tim anecdotes and you'll immediately know what to do with them!

Anonymous said...

I am sure Lord Tim would only need ONE Bottle Top (perhaps to save baby ducks or somesuch). With my limited creativity I am thinking an outer frame covered with said bottle tops would be a VERY interesting addition to any larger project.Can't wait to see what you come up with - I know it will be tops!

Hilda said...

Hi Linda - how come all I get blurred pictures nearly every time with my digi camera ?? lol!!!!! Bottle tops - I think you should buy some brooch backs and hey presto - your Christmas present problems all solved!!!

Angela Toucan said...

the bottle caps look really pretty, got any free wall space for a wall art?

Angela (120)

Claire said...

I now have visions of you starjumping off a chair, all in the name of a perfect photo... thank you for making me smile at the end of a very busy day.

Morti said...

Fail to entertain us? Hardly! I think you've managed particularly well. as for what to do with your bottle top mountain - send 'em out to the rest of us to WOYWW them!

Kay said...

LOL I can get blurred pics with my digi camera no problem... it's getting the unblurred ones that give me trouble! Try a cheap camera, that might work. Good thing you didn't go through with your original idea or you might have had several people calling the emergency services to come and save you. The rest of us would be calling the men in white coats to come and take you away!

Hels Sheridan said...

ROFLMAO Linda.. that is just soooooooo funny!!!! Hope Andrea doesn't read this... you know, blurry photo's and all that PMSL ;o))
LOVE your bottle tops.. how about ... a big profiterole type tower thingymajig made of bottletops... all stuck together with tissue tape and enamel accents drizzeled over the top? Guess what I have a craving for LOL xx

lisa said...

Well I never knew you had to take your life in your hands to take part in WOYWW. What an hilarious tale!!
Great piccies and I'm afraid I have no idea how to use bottle tops. I've collected a pile just like yours and I have no idea what to do with them!!
Hugs Lisa (122)

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Well you certainly had fun creating this post....jumping off chairs and all sorts. You have definitely entertained me!!


yoursartfully said...

So you're still risking life and limb in the name of a good photograph......tisk, tisk!!!!

You've got enough bottle caps there to pebbledash the front of your house or you could make a necklace for all your friends.....wink, wink, nudge, nudge!!!

L. x

Annie said...

Hehehe What some do for entertainment :-) ;-)
Bottle tops make lovely tambourines. How about starting up a folk band? :-)
A x

Angie said...

I blurr shots regularly... even with digital ...usually when they cant be repeated lol.
Cant wait to get back to a routine of crafting and WOYWWing

voodoo vixen said...

Linda.... only you would go to such lengths!! Glad you are still ok and no harm becamst you (hmmm... is that a word or did I make it up)? Spell check says I made it up!!
Bottle top bracelets.... I would wear one if you made it!

donnalouiserodgers said...

hmm your link took me somewhere else _ i get here and you talk of last week - you actually DID FALL and you Bumped your Head didn't you?

bottle tops hmmmm - can't think yet - will let you know next week when it will make no sense at all...

madness I say mmadness....


Sarah said...

Is it going to be bottle-tops instead of a ciggy - or will you have to start downing the beers for materials...?
sasa 10

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I laughed from the very first sentence because you really did post the wrong link and forced us faithful ones to find you. My entire blog is a blur of out of focus digi photos. And no matter what you do, you can't get one to blur. Please come photograph my desk next week.

As someone trained in safety, I laughed at the lengths you went to in order to have a wordless blog post. So glad no Linda was harmed in the making of this post. Still laughing from number 2. BTW, I have NO idea how to use those bottlecaps, but magnets or earrings come to mind. Great stocking stuffers.

kim x said...

Linda you always entertain us! Once read your blog is always remembered. Bottle caps I will have to think about.
Kim x

Jules said...

Lol, fantastic post that really did make me laugh out loud! I have no idea what you could do with the bottle tops, but I have no doubt you'll come up with something ingenious :D

Candace said...

Thanks for sharing Hugs

(late again hence #150!!!!!)


A Crafting Journey