When Julia started all this WOYWWing so many moons ago ... I wonder if she realised that a new phenomenon would be born! I am not talking about the gazillions of people that enter each week ... although that is pretty amazing ... no I am talking about storage envy!
I realise I am luckier than most to have a dedicated craft room ... I also realise that I just kind of grew and ... erm ... shopped and ... filled it ... rather than planning it and now I want a new one!
I have severe case of storage envy and each week as I go visiting desks ... I see a beautiful array of storage facilities and I want to start my room all over again. I see shelves and shelves and trays and hangy bar things and shelves ... all colour coordinating ... Ya see ... I went for the surfaces option ... I have a work desk ... a desk for when friends come over ... which kind of works as a dumping ground the rest of the time ... I have a cutting station ... that compared to last week is relatively tidy and my typing desk ... w
hich ... on a Wednesday ... is where I spend most of my time.
I have a gazzillion and two drawers ... but no really nice storage ...
Still ... enough of me and my storage envy ... What envy do you suffer from? I get food envy as well ... you know ... like in a restaurant when your food arrives and you wished you had ordered your companion's choice ... or is it just me????
Have a good day ... I shall be coming to drool over your storage any minute now :0)
Morning Linda, a girl can never have too much work surface - simply because we'll 'spread onto them' in no time at all LOL. have a great day. Rach xxx
I look at storage too and dream they were mine when in reality they are so not!!lol
I get envy when you go to pay for your shopping, load it up onto the convayerbelt only to see the person infront of you has far more interesting foods that you NOW want, you then resemble a mere cat, looking to see if you can make it to run and fetch what they have in time before the cashier gets to you.....think that classes as an envy!lolxx
Yes I do that looking at other people's plates all the time. It was only when I started looking at incredible US scrapbook rooms online that I developed storage envy - my room is a bit like yours in that it just grew ... but actually it's more fun for the visitor cos your stuff is out where us nosey parkers can SEE it??
oh, I do envy the scrap rooms I see and wishing I have my own scrap room. I have a little space in our bedroom and for now, I am happy with it, working on the floor most of the time.
I think you are quite lucky with your craft room - it is lovely so don't moan! Ha, ha! Had a good snoop!
Best pass on mine linda...you won't find anything to be envious of there!!! LOL
I love your useful boxes..they do what they say on the tin!!
xoxo Sioux
LOL at Kaz's comment - I recognise that meerkat in myself too!
I am planning my soon-to-be craft room ... I've been saying that for 2 years already :( ... so I love seeing other people's. I oggle over beautiful storage and dream.
But, I know myself well enough: However much storage I have it will all end up out on the surfaces so I can see it and when I tidy it away I won't be able to find a thing! Be happy that you have surfaces where you can leave it out Linda - I envy you :)
Just drooling over the goodies in your craft room.
In restaurants I have even been known to order what a companion is ordering to avoid that feeling of 'Oh, I wish I'd ordered that.'
Great work space and lots of fab stuff to play with for us to snoop today - you see if it was all packed away in fab storage we wouldn't be able to enjoy a good snooping Wednesday!!!!
hi linda...here's the deal...I will swap my storage for just some of your creative talent...just love oogling your creative space....hugs kath xxx
well as for storage, I need to gut my room so I can add the storage I need!! mmmm mine is just boxes and more boxes.. think I collect boxes, and oddly enough there are piles of them on my blog today and hadn't even read yours ...
on the other hand more desk space for me would be good... now thinking perhaps instead of a new kitchen I should have new storage and new desks!
Hugs xx
Hhmm... I have space and Time envy - I do not have enough space for all my crafting things (and the crafting things I've yet to aquire) and I do not have enough time to get round WOYWW desks as my job that pays the bills gets in the way!! Esther xx
Storage will always be a problem for us crafters! I'm off to Dragon's Den if I ever come up with a solution.
I tend to get stamp envy when I travel around the desks on Wednesday. I want them all!
I have shelf envy Linda, because that is what I lack. I seem to have lots of piles of things on the floor, and lots of wall space that could be utilised. We always have more stuff than storage, however much storage we have. It's a fact of life. Judith xx
I spy an empty tin stood awaiting your attention. :)
FAB storage... you look soooo organised!
I have craftroom envy and definitely the restaurant thing! Desk space is important too though and would you use the storage if you had it do you think?
Anne xx
Just think Linda, if you had all that storage you'd have to go searching all the time to find the stuff you wanted. At least you can see it straight away when it's all out on view. Anyway storage only gets filled and then you start to spread on your workdesk again, Lol!
Lesley Xx
I love your craft space and all the storage you have but I know what you mean. We all want more :-)
A x
Oh how I agree with you on all aspects and I'm dead envious now I've seen your space!! tee hee! I well remember when I started stamping and everything fitted int a shoebox ... EEEK!
Jo x
Hi Linda
great piccies, like you i have seen lots of storage to drool over, makes me want to re do my craftroom! have great day, sue,x
Oh, but I love your storage. I have desk envy, lol! My knees won't take much more. One day I will..... no, heck who am I trying to kid!
envy never ..not me .. well except your talent!! just thinking back to when we joined stamping sisters 13 (all those moons ago) ~how you have developed and grown.... and me? well maybe found much more cuter stamps to play with..and met some fab crafting friends... less of me ~ love your craftroom ~i have now taken up the the small bit in our L shaped lounge ~but have gained lots more storage and boxes so it`s neat and mostly tidy!!
vanessa xx
I always enjoy visiting your lovely work space thanks for sharing and I am still on the look out for a hangy thingy for my ink tools thanks for sharing with us ;o)
Great work area and storage
I have CRAFT ROOM ENVY ;0) I am still on the kitchen table and no room for me any where else oh well one day *dream*
Love Dawn xx
Hmmm yes I have storage issues too - never mind at least I have a room to work in. Love looking at all your crafty stash though.
BTW - thank you for the advice concerning my blogs. I've now downsized and will just concentrate on the one - Jacqueline xx
Fab desks again, I have stash envy when I see how much you have!! xx
Yes storage. Don't have a spare room but would lovvvve to store my paper better
Oh yes I know all about storage envy and we wont start on talent envy LOL
The solution is staring you in the face Linda - you need a Craft House,
with many rooms, each of which is dedicated to various activities -
one room is just not enough for a woman of your talent -
No matter how big our craft rooms are, we always *need* more, don't we? I'd like a whole new house with mine, please!
know what you mean about space,hun and storage,I too wish,I could have a real craft room,as mine is my bedroom,keep waiting for my daughter to move out so I can have her room,but with your creativity hun,you should have an entire,house hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx
Storage envy, you are sooo right! It's the luxury some people have of rows of half filled boxes. If a box is half empty I have to double it up and store something else in there as well.
** Kate **
Definitely you need a craft house, not just a room, LOL.
I have craft room envy Linda, cos i need to craft at my table and never get peace. I would love an ickle space to call my own. Then I could work on the storage envy lol!
Storage envy is on the up since Julia started this thats for sure!!
Youve got one fab crafty room Linda! It is heaven just to mooch over it all!
Keryn x
Aren't those plastic drawers great. I have my storage in those under neath my work desk.If you remember looking at my blog last.Then I like to find unusual items for storage.
Loving your craft room looks full of fabulous stash!! I know what you mean about the storage mine is all mismatch and would love these posh rooms but it's not meant to be!!! lol Thanks for sharing Chanelle xx
Love your craft room - the storage solutions look great. I suffer from ink pad and pens/pencils envy when I go snooping other WOYWWer's blogs
Linda those pictures show a girl who means business !! Great worspace and your storage if fab too !!
I for one love your craft area, I find my kind of boring as I can't get all the "things" I want to punch it up. Seen so many ideas joining in on Wednesdays.
Mmm ~You are not wrong, storage envy here and Craft Roomitis!! I really need my kids to grow up and move out so I can use one of their rooms! !(Not really)
Love the piccys again this week, Love Hazelxox
Hi Linda, like you I have storage envy, I do store some of my things under my bed my sizzix dies and some of my christmas things I sure would love to have all those lovely units you see on other WOYWW blogs maybe we can only wish. Love your work Lol. Jo xxxxx
Haha on your storage envy, I have stash envy LOL want everything I see on the dessks of WOYWWers!!
Sarah x
Once you award John his UTEE medal, I'm sure he could whip up a storage solution for you but you would have to allow him access to your room though!!!
Lin x
Busy desk hun xxxxx
Well you look pretty sorted to me...and i wouldn't be worrying about storage if I could create work like yours.
As I was reading your post I was having counter space envy!!! I may have the storage thing wrapped up but I would love to have counters and a place for friends too. There is barely any room for me. A cutting station... Man!!! Ya, I have envy!!
Take Care~ Sherry
I have the storage and am envious of the tidy people who use their stuff, even though they have to get up and get it from a cupboard! If itain't on top, I don't seem to use it. Shock news!
You have enough RUBs to qualify as a well stored woman. Better break down a get thee to Ikea. Danger ,danger!!
WOw so much lovely stash - great desk.
I'm just a great big pulsating pustulous oozing mass of ivy coloured envy. Full stop.
First off - people who have a whole ROOM to themselves oh how I envy them with a passion, oh how I want to hurt them when I see how pretty and wonderful and PRIVATE with DOORS and everything their rooms are.
Oh and then the glorious colours on the walls (Magnolia here. Private rented!) And the posters and art adorning those walls! Dry lined walls and nearly all damp. Knock a nail in and take half the wall out. No art or purty posters here! *sob*
Then when I see their works in progress oh how my teeth gnash and grind with envy at their seemingly effortless talent in abundance. I blame the crafting world for the increase in my toothaches lately. I really do!
But mostly. Mostly I just have paint envy. I want more paint. Simple as really. I have a small box of paint. I want a great big huuuuuuge box that I can wallow in should I so desire like a big Fantasiaesque tutu-ed hippo. Not to much to ask is it??
Wow great pile of stash there! I have storage envy of all your really useful boxes! I only have one of those sets - now I need two more!!!!
Oh yes plenty of envy from me! I've thought about selling my children just to have a craft room of my own, I've considered emptying out kitchen cupboards (who needs saucepans??) just to make more space for my supplies and when it comes to storage boxes ... well I could buy thousands but then where would I put them? A envious dilemma indeed! Great post thank you :-)
Great room, I too have storage envy....it's quite a bad affliction ;0). I too dream of shelves and lots of lovely stoarge containers....instead I have old jam jars, and boxes, even my bin is an old box, hubby keeps saying that he will put shelves up for me, but that would entail me shifiting everything out of the craft room for OH to do his bodge it and leg it job!!
I would like to reverse time and start again at the beginning before paper and ink started to reproduce all by it's self.
Happy crafting x
Carol s
I envy all your fab crafty goodies! At restaurants I glance at other guests plates before I order :)
So sorrrry I'm sooo late getting round this week, we need another day!!Its feels like Sunday to me...I'll pop back later because, I can't see your amazing crafty-ness!
ps sorry about the spider...he's still there now...legs up!
Beautiful craftroom pics hun :0)
*hugs* Heather x
I'm so envious of your purple wall! I was in such a hurry to get my little workdesk and shelf set up that I didn't take time to paint and now I'm regretting it!
Wot you talking about, your storage is great! I especially like your stamp storage thingy and your little drawers and jars. Hope you find your straighteners box, you never know what might be in it!x
Linda, if you were late, I'm even later, I wouldn't have been if I'd left my comment yesterday instead of shooting off on a link then forgetting to come back. Your storage looks fabulous to me, but you know the grass is always greener, we all want what everyone else has - OMG - can you imagine, it would have to be a craft house, not room.
hugs Heather xx
I think I NEED to come and have a closer inspection of your studio I'm sure I've missed lots of goodies :).
The photos are done in picnik (http://www.picnik.com/app#/home/welcome) Its a free to register - you get the basic templates etc or you can upgrade to premium - depends what and how you use it. It has a collage element that you can use.
I use it mainly for altering my photos of my jewellery.
I laughed so hard when I read your comment about how I rattled on this week, and here you are, telling us how much you want a new work space. I really like those little storage containers. I don't know where you get them, but I've looked here in the States (and NO, I don't live anywhere near an IKEA, if that's where). I am envious of those darling clear containers with the blue handles. REaLLY. They look so handy and are the perfect size to hold just about any alterable item. Happy WOYWW, belatedly of course.
you have a wonderful craft area!!! and wow, a whole room? well, frankly, i keep drooling over markers and i'm still deciding what brand to buy (or if i can afford them)!
I've got a craft room and I thought it was quite 'filled', but yours is certainly to be envied - would love to come and play there x
I had the exact same envy hence the total transformation of my space.. i look forward to seeing your re-vemped room in the near future...go on you know you wanna lol
Better late than never huh Linda!
I know what you mean about storage envy. I would love to have some swish new shelves or cupboards or drawers or whatever and have been looking around, but I don't know if any of the new stuff I could buy would be as convenient as the hotch potch of stuff I'm using at the moment!
I get storage envy too, but that is way eclipsed by stash envy! x
i am envious of your storage, craft room, supplies..and everything else!! hehe thanks for sharing..u're a lucky gal
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