Talk about pressure! The lovely Angela from ToucanScraps only went and book marked me! Coming back today for an inspection no less. Now I have absolutely no intention of doing this on a regular basis ... so for one day only and especially for all my lovely WOYWW friends ... this is as tidy as my craft room gets. I really hope Angela approves! I mean book marked ... I don't think any one has ever done that to me before ... not to my knowledge anyways! You guys also need to know ... how much fun you make my Wednesdays ... Julia has created a very special ritual for Wednesdays and your comments just make it a great thing to be part of!
As a rule ... the only time I ever post non crafty pictures on my blog is a Wednesday ... but as you can see I have been sooooo busy tidying ...
I am still doing the finishing touches ... but I thought I would give you a quick taster of something very different for me ...
Hopefully I will be able to show you the rest of it quite soon ... Did I tell you that I was very excited :0)
Can't wait to see the whole project. Loving the pink!
Hi Linda
Your lucky all tidy, mine is even worst than yesterday made 2 cards last night so it is bad.
Now im intriged love the sneak peek so what ever it is hurry and finish it cant wait to see it.
Christine x
Oh my you have been busy.. It was the thought of having ME visit really wasn't it, it scared you into tidying..does that mean no biccies and crisps and arm stroking! PMSL
Great news for you with the card kit, you certainly are in demand, good for you x
*secret hand shake*
Well done on the tidying. LOVE the look of those stamps - well done you! Will you be designing inks and dies and stuff like you-know-who, next?!!
Look at your lovely tidy room!
I'm liking the look of the sneak peak.
Clare x
So are we....When do we get to order a kit.?
Looks good... ps I came back to see if you had a tidy up also.. hehe
Thanks Linda
Sharon x
nice tidy craft space and nice sneeky peek Linda, how exciting for you and I can not wait to see the rest xx
Your crafting space looks lovely and neat! I wish I could keep mine as neat as yours! Like the sneak peak too!! Will be back soon! HUgs always!G
See I don't know waht ook marked means, but I'm guessing its as serious as your Mum coming round to see ya, cos you've tidied. Imust say, your space looks beautiful - both ways! As for the card kit - it's looking an awful lot like something I might need!!
What a difference a few hours make, soooo tidy now. Cant wait to see the card kit finished. xx
Very good, very good. Now you get to go and mess it all up again :D
The kit sounds very exciting and intriguing and I don't even like making cards. So it must sound good! :P
Good Girl,lol!!!
(nowt like being bullied/shamed into cleaning up!!!) :o)x
ps.The sneak peek looks pretty.
wow! that's amazing.
The sneak peak is really pretyy.
Designing kits is what I do in my "spare" time. Want a DT job testing some of my new releases? You do look like you are on a lot of teams already though.
So impressed that you cleaned up just for me. Make me feel special
Now that looks a whole lot better :) good job you cant see my room!!!!!!
Luv the sneaky peak
Oooo that looks like a very lovely project - will need details etc.
Well done on tidying up xx
That looks like a take on a Faberge Egg ....Sneaky peaks are fun.
I think your room was fine and now its .... well as tidy as a room should be when a creative master resides there.
Did you like the 'creative master' bit lol
Mmm, I am not convinced...what about the other side of the room .. did you really put away .. or did you just do what I would have done and chucked it all over the other side LOL...BTW, that kit looks smashing...loving the colours and cant wait to see what it looks like...hugs hun x
Well, do you deserve the Gold Star or did you do what Hels said and chuck it all out of shot, Lol?
Love the sneak peek and you're right it does look very different for you but very intriguing. Can't wait to see the rest of it.
Lesley Xx
Don’t know about my own reorganisation Linda, but you have some ‘serious’ storage there if you ask me. There are definitely a few drawers there that I would like to have a rummage in!
As for the card kit….it looks beautiful.
OOoh, card kit designer, huh? Congrats! You're right, it does look quite different for you, hope you're having fun with it!
Hi Linda, the only way my craft room would remain tidy is if I stayed out of it! LOL
The card kit looks gorgeous. Congratulations.
Sounds exciting Linda, I am sure you will love it !
I'm with Barbara on this one. I only have to look at my desk for it to get untidy. It doesn't matter however many times I tidy up, I still end up working in an A4sized area with the remnants of at least 2 projects around me.
Love the sneak peek. Who's a clever girl then?
All I can say is I do lurve that colour on your wall hehe. Fanyc having someone practically looking over your shoulder to make sure you tidy up! :-/
Ooh can't wait to see what you come up with and I'm sure anyone would be quite happy with you picking the papers stamps and everything 'cos all your visitors love your stuff so it's got to be good ;)
Anne xx
Linda - I thought you wanted me to do this for you as a birthday treat for me... i was just going to get the sat nav out and come too!!!!
Paula x x x
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