This is exciting stuff ... you guys have all gotta join in ... it is gonna be soooooo much fun. Lisa will explain all here. But basically you make some art ... blog it .... give everyone that leaves a comment the chance to win what you make. Easy peasy! And if you have n't got time to join in ... that is n't a problem either ... just check out the blog links here and leave a comment! Told you it was easy :0)
Do you know ... the minute I typed that I realised that no one may want it ... leave a comment anyway ... you will be helping my self esteem and I will bung in a pack of sweeties too!
I am happy to mail it anywhere in the world ... Have a great week ... and Good Luck :0)
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»I'll have it. Me please. Huh suppose everybody else will want it to. But heh I was first.
Really beautiful, good luck for the draw :)
Linda I am sure that you will have loads of comments. I'd love to win it - I bought Wendy's book and have drooled over all the projects so to have one made by you would be fantastic!
I'd can't commit to joining in with giving away a piece of my work - and I doubt anyone would want mine anyway LOL but it is agreat idea....x
It's stunning...I'm sure loads and loads of people [including me] will want it.
Are you kidding? I'd LOVE it. I thought I was too late to join in this (the making and giving away bit) but maybe not... hmm. (shame the full time job gets in the way) Didn't realise I could win by just commenting, I thought I had to take part too... shows how well I read instructions, lol!!
Oh dear, you are funny! who on earth wouldn't want this GORGEOUS hanging!!! I would love it, but si I rarely win anything I will say: congrats to whoever does: you are soooo lucky!!! {hugs}
It's gorgeous. Post anywhere in the world eh? Well Brighton's not tooo far is it or I could collect, save on the postage. This wouild look absolutely bloomin lovely in me craft place..........
This is a lovely project and so personal. I love W.V stamps. It would be great to win it for my husband. Its our 25th Wedding Anniversay in April and the sentiment and decoration is just perfect.
i love it linda :)
NOT WANT IT!?! Who on earth would not want it? I wish no one else did want it 'cos then I'd know it would come to me, Lol!!!! 'COS I'D TREASURE IT, it's beautiful.
Lesley Xx
Who wouldn't want a piece of your beautiful artwork? I wish I could create stunning things like you do!
I'd be happy to be on the receiving end of your prize.
what do you mean no one would want it ? I want it!!! Love your hangy art! Hun thanks for stopping by and entering mine!
Hahaha, you are so funny. Of COURSE people will want your artwork, that's why we follow your blog... beacuse we love your work...
I hope I get chosen too! Thanks for the chance.
Oh well if you get sweeties too count me in!! :D
This sounds like so much fun. I will have to pop over and have a looksee.
Your hanging is gorgeous - anyone would be a very lucky peep to own it!
HI Linda,
I'd love it - your work is gorgeous! Be sure to stop by and enter my One World One Heart drawing too!
a wonderful giveaway, please count me in and feel free to visit my blog
Pick me, Pick me, Pick meeeeee!!!
Love this piece...tho I am rather surprised that you could remember all the way back all those years...when you were 14 like...ROFLMAO Fab colours and loooove the Wendy Vecchi stamping on it...and I spy a Slice word there :O))
I am joining in with the OWOH too hun....hugs xx
A nice comment right back at ya, lovely piece :P
Oh wow Linda what a lovely giveaway. Please count me in. Thanks.
Beautiful craftwork - anyone would be thrilled to receive it. I remember entering this last year - must think about doing so again x
Stunning creation as always Linda
Linda -
Not want your art, are you nuts?! It would be an honor to have a piece created by you. I have my finger, arms, toes, legs and eyes crossed for good luck!
Elaine Allen
not want it how can you say no-one might not want it, this is a beautiful piece of art Linda xx
This is so beautiful, in sentiment and talent!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Super great!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
I'd love it, its gorgeous.
This is so pretty! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!
Its gorgeous Linda and what a fab idea for a giveaway...x
Lovely work.
Stunning artwork, Linda!
Please enter me in your give-away! Thank you!
Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany.
I want to win! This is so awesome, and would look great in my house, or car, or studio,'s fabulous!
beautiful...what fun the Magic Carpet Ride is...
Another lovely hangy thingy Linda, gorgeous!
Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this. Pop over to my blog for a chance to win, too! :) #318 on the list...
A joyful giveaway!
Thank you for the chance to become a happy owner.
And thank you for taking the time to visit my OWOH blog earlier today!
Gorgeous work Linda, i love it, such a fab giveaway.
I want it if no one else does. I love it, infact I love all your work and it would be a real priviledge to own this beautiful hanging.
Beautiful piece of work. Another great blog on this journey.
Love the piece you made. You art is getting better and better!! Love it!
Sweet Valentine! Sweeties, too! Woo-hoo!
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Beautiful creation!!
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Thank you for the chance to win.
=) melanie
I love this piece. And yes, I joined in as well. I wouldn't miss it for the OWOH.
Very pretty!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I have admired your work and followed your blog for awhile now. I just love this piece and would be honored to win it! So, pick me pretty please!
Fantastic work! Please enter my name. G. Alexandra
So lovely! Please include my name! :)
Great blog - will be stopping by again! Please include me in your great giveaway & Thank you! #61
All I had to see were those roses and I was hooked!
We seem to visit all the same blogs. Wendy/Tim lovers unite, LOL!
Count me in!
eyeleeeen at optonline dot net
And visit my blog; I'm #156 on this magic carpet ride, and I think you'll like my jewelry.
Oh, and I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from 2/14 to 2/20, so if I am lucky enough to win, PLEASE wait for me to claim my prize! PRETTY PLEASE!!! (LOL)
What a beautiful piece you have made for this event, perfect. I would love to be entered in your draw.
Ooh wow I want to win yours ;) I would join in but most days don't get many comments. Still perhaps I could encourage the WOYWW cult to have a looksee. Am currently working on something (fabriccy) I think most people would be happy to win so when I get it finished I'll blog it and join in :)
Anne xx
Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)
I would be delighted to win Thanks so much
Really beautiful, good luck for the draw
Work from home India
Linda - I LOVE your hangy thingy :D and would LOVE to win it!! Please visit my blog for my OWOH draw. Hugs,
Ann xxx
Love this piece! Would love to hang it in my new home! :)
Hi Linda - as always your art is stunning. Have you entered my give away too.
I love it Linda, hope I'm the lucky one :)
This is wonderful! I love the saying!
Please hop on my mgaic carpet ride too. Enter my giveaway at
Hi Linda! So happy to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my are entered, and please enter me as well, in your fabulous giveaway!!
Blessings to you from across the pond! ;-)
I love this beautiful piece of art. I see Wendy or Tim's influence on this piece.
I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!
Beautiful art! thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and visiting my OWOH event! It was a pleasure to meet you!
linda, you are so wrong, as you can see we all want it. It is just lovely, thank you for the chance to win it. I would hang it on our wedding wall...
Wadda ya mean don't like it!!! I love it, so there!
Count me in for the draw.
violette de chicoutimi qc
Enter me please.. that is cute..
Cath Ü
This is wonderful! I love the saying!
Work from home India
what a great giveaway. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.
of course people will love your giveaway prize, it is lovely!
thanks so much for entering my blog giveaway too
all the best to you
Thank you for entering mine now I am entering yours...this is fun!
Awesome hanging!!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
very nice. i like the wall hanging. would definitely like a chance to win.
Lovely creation! Please enter me. Cheers! #276
What a fantastice giveaway..please enter me...
Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too..#280
Lovely giveaway! Thanks for entering mine! Good luck!
Hi There, Waiving, Its Beautiful,..Linda:) Please enter me into the draw, and do visit us too if you get a chance. at..
A lovely work of art Linda, thanks for giving us a chance to win it. xxx Hazel
stunning as always Linda, very excited to think I could win this. Thanks for visiting me too
I love your work of art Linda, thanks for the chance to win it.
I've added mine to my blog too :)
Really nice,count me in please!
OMG~ I can't believe that you were afraid that no one would want your wall hanging! It's adorable!!
What a wonderful idea! I love what you created sweetie. The flowers are so cute! I've got some candy up for grabs too if you want to go see!
Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.
Very pretty, please add me in.
I would be honored to win!
Thanks for entering mine!!
yes please Linda, i'd love to win this. as it's got your flowers on it. whenever I see a grunge flower I have to think of you.
I think it is wonderful! It would look perfect in my studio, please count me in.
And thanks for stopping by to visit Wigglebutt ☺
Fantastic blog!
Fantastic Give Away
Please coin me in!
199 on the red carpet!
Thanks for your comment, Linda! Let me win! Me! Me! Me! Jan
Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!! hehe Please add my name for your giveaway, I'd so love to win:-) Make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you! xox
You are signed up for my giveaway so how about signing me up for yours! Would love to win something from England and this is perfect! Thanks for the chance!
What fun!!! Please add me...m.
Please, please draw my name. I love your album. It is beautiful!
Thank you for this opportunity.
jlefler at mi-connection dot com
Beautiful! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
Beautiful work Linda xxxx The flowers are stunning xxxx
Wow, wow, wow! Your giveaway is just beautiful!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I'm off to have a good look round yours now! Looks very interesting! :)
Your art is truely magical! And somuch here to come back and see too, great blogs you follow! I am in at# 708, I got a late start commenting! I adore your hearts and flowers art! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Smiles, Cyndi
Hope i'm the lucky one!
Love Lisa x
Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous Work Of Art OWOH Giveaway!
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
Thank you for offering this giveaway. What fun. Please enter me.
Thanks for the chance of winning your lovely hangy piece!
I hope you can come see mine (if you haven’t already!) at
(ticket holder #251)
Just beautiful!
Greetings from Ohio, USA
OWOH #322
Ummmm slapping my own wrists cos I dont think I have commented on this post... I read it honest.. thought i replied but cant see me now.... and i gotta enter because I want to win.. so pick me please, but no sweeties cos I am sweet enough
slap your wrists too! as if noone would want it TUT
Thank you for the comment. sign me up!
Gorgeous Work! Please enter me and be sure to enter my blog for a chance to win.
i would love to get my hands on your giveaway!
Your giveaway is beautiful, really lovely! and I like the lighthearted way you talk, I feel at home. I am now a follower :)
I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!
Best of luck to all your visitors :)
Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA
What a fun blog you have and so much to look at! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and I'd love to be entered to win here.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for entering in my giveaway and visiting my blog, please enter me in yours !
Since English-speaking girls have registered to follow my blog, I am trying to translate... so that you can understand at minimum (not sure of my good English ;-)
Hugs !
Hi Linda thanks for coming to my OWOH blog, I'd love you to add me here!!!
I love your work....please enter my name...
Sweet little wallhanging! Please include me in your giveaway and be sure to come on over and enter mine!
#185 A Vintage Cottage Home!
Yes, but you're still young at heart! Wonderful gifts, please include me and visit 211.
I love the blue roses.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
Hi Linda
Please enter me in the draw for your little Magic Carpet.
I'm having so much fun exploring all the beautiful and varied blogs, I'll be back to have a better look around when I have some more time.
I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by for a visit and enter in my draw.
Hello from southern California. OWOH
Fab giveaway :) count me in please! pop over to my blog and enter mine too :) i'm #328
I really want it, sooooo stop thinking anyone don't like it, because I do, alot!. Please enter me in the drawing
beautiful! What a great give away. I Love it!!..please enter me in your drawing
Not want it? It's gorgeous! How could anyone not want it?! Put my name in please! I'd love a chance to win it for my very own!!!
Gorgeous, love those roses!
Please add my name to the hat! :o)
great giveaway, I'd love to win!
Oh I just love your giveaway, please count me in.
Thank you for participating OWOH.
So very nice to meet you.
Would love a chance to win
Thanks so much
BEAUTIFUL Piece!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Thank you for the chance to win, it is lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.
Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. Please enter me in yours too. It's been fun meeting you, and I will be back to visit some more.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
What a great give-away event! You make beautiful things! and I really like the name of your gift ;-)
greetings from the Netherlands
Absolutely beautiful! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.
Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.
I would always want to have a piece of your art! In fact I don't believe my art collection would be complete without one.
Hi Linda, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous Maya Road Chip. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
Hey Linda, thanks for participating in my OWOH. Would love to win the lovely artwork of yours. It's gorgeous!
Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!
Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win!
OWOH: my-art-blog #797
Berlin, Germany
Oh I love your giveaway and I am sure everyone who signed up does too! Pleaes enter me in your giveaway!
Love it! And want to win! :)
I believe this is just beautiful and anyone would LOVE to have it... I would be thrilled to hang it in my craft room!
Please count me in!
Rich Witch
Please visit my Blog for a Magical prize:
greetings from vermont
please sign me up for your drawing.
thanks for sharing
Gorgeous as ever. And congrats on the front pahe of UKStamper
This is a lovely hangy thing Linda and I would love to win it. My blog is
Hello, nice to meet you and visit your blog! Oh! I want it! Please enter me in your giveaway, Please visit my blog to enter #865!
Hi Linda!
What a cute wall hanging! Please count me in.
I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.
Hope to see you there!
mrscmc7 at gmail dot com
Looks great! I would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal
The roses on it are fabulous, sign me up!
I just think your prize is fantastic! Please enter me into your drawing.
What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me in your contest and come on over to my blog-#35 and enter mine if you wish. Thanks!
Oh how pretty! Please enter me into your draw.
Thank you,
Sadie x
So beautiful! I'd love to win it.
What a nice gift ! I don't see why anyone wouldn't want it , it is lovely ♥ Please enter me :]
Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada
seksi_missy [at] hotmail [dot] com
I love it! thank you for a chance to win.
Dee (#905)
Hi Linda from Australia.
Don't worry I am sure I am not the only one to tell you how lovely your work is.
Please enter me into the draw.
Oh MY! So very pretty! Please add my name to your draw box. I would be thrilled to win your lovely giveaway!
This is just lovely and I am happy for the chance to win!
Great giveaway! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity.
It is a wonderful gift and so generous. It would look lovely in our cottage in Ireland.
Please enter me!
Great! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I hope I win:) Long live OWOH!
annabell_lee_dk (at)
G’day Linda
Thanks for such a great giveaway,
Please count me in…
And fly on over to my place… #747
OOroo… Bethel
Hi Linda, love your giveaway x
hope you find time to fly the magic carpet to my blog
OWOH #82
I love how you did the flowers! So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win.
Lovely art! And I'm just up the A10 in Norfolk, lol ;)
Please enter my name, thank you :)
Please visit my blog at #711 on the magic carpet to win a designer Cath Kidston bag, handmade by me!
Nifty blog and giveaway! Thanks for sharing your magic carpet with us!
Just floating by for a coffee break (magic carpet driving makes me thirsty and sleepy.)
I love your grunge paper roses - those are the coolest! Thanks for stopping by my blog to view my fabric roses.
Luci - - OWOH #630
I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing.
Ooh, that would look lovely on my craft room wall :)
Hi wow all I can say is yummm I love your blog and your work!!! I will deff be back to visit you and now follow your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway and come visit my blog as well!
Hi from So. FL. thanks for the entry into your drawing. Blessings, Janet
Great giveaway. I'd love to win it.
I invite you to visit my blog's giveaway.
hugs, moi
Beautiful and gorgeous gift,I love it ! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937
How wonderful! This is so exciting and I feel so fortunate to be part of it!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035
Hello from the north of 60! I hope you are enjoying the ride on magical carpet as much as I do. Please enter my name for the draw.
What a beautiful giveaway! I'd be happy to give your lovely piece a home with me. I'm still traveling the long road of OWOH's so fun meeting such wonderfully talented people. If you have time, pop on over to #395 - that's me!
** raises hand-- whispers wants it ** thanks for the opportunity
This would look beautiful in my living room. Please count me in to win.
very cute! I would proudly display this if I won your artwork...please include me and stop by my place I am #886.
Dropping in from michigan, great giveaway!
Please include my name and you are welcome to stop by for a chance to win too @#882 =D
Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
So beautiful! Count me in.
Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful creation!
Do visit me at #976 (, if you haven't, to win a personalised tatted nametag!
"Kamusta" from the Philippines! Are you kidding about no one wanting it? Look how many comments you got! It's really pretty! and if you haven't already, do drop by my blogs too!
patsy.paterno (at)
So many comments and you were worried no one would comment! Your work is wonderful :)
fantastic Give Away...please count me in .
199 on the red carpet
Wow! Very very pretty! I love it :)
I hope you'll visit Wishing Penny #916
Thank You for such a Great giveaway. Please enter me in the draw. I'm # 1039 on the magic carpet
How cute is this? I just love it! please include me and come enter my giveaway too...melinda #71
How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)
so lovely!
Please pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
This is sooooooooo pretty-the colors match my bedroom. I have bookmarked your blog to come back later and follow it-Google is not cooperative right now ;)
Hello from Minnesota!
So nice to meet you and see your work! Trying to make my way around the blog world on my carpet...
A bit about me...
I am a silly girl.
A dreamer
An Artist...
A wife....
And of course a friend.
Keep in touch.. xoxo
I think over 200 commenters is a good indicator that your prize is a lovely one!
*waving* hi from Nova Scotia, Canada.
What a lovely giveaway and what a pleasure it's been to visit you blog. Be sure to stop by and enter my drawing.
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Of course, we all want it....its great. Love looking at all these blogs...great inspiration.
Kim from Nova Scotia, Canada
Your creation is really cute! I love it!! :) Nice to meet you, on the magic carpet ride. Stop by me and enter my giveaway, too - if you like! :) Greetings from Norway, Hege
( hegeas (at) start (dot) no )
Your giveaway is very cute. Hoping to win.
thankyou so much for a chance to win
Now don't be silly, why would anyone not want this gorgeous piece of art?
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