There is brick dust on mine and sometimes a drill or
But ... If he asks me one more time ... What is this for? Do you really need all that? ... I am going to kill him ... slowly with a bone folder and possibly a pokey tool ... mind you that would have to be submitted for evidence and I could n't manage without my pokey tool ... so a bone folder and a pair of deckle edged scissors then :0)
I am pleased now they are up ... his latest comment ... Can you get any more on them? ... Duh!!! Yeah!!!
Now for some actual crafting ...
a rare pic of John there to Linda and please do not do away with him, he cooks for us when we visit :-) you do know its a man thing to keep on about how much stash we have, have a great day xx
What a fabulous post... visions of you standing behind him, bone folder in hand. LOL. Lovely to see your creative space as well.
What a fun crafting area. I love the purple!
Your space looks fab, the shelves will be over-filled very soon. Your story puts me in mind of the day DH helped me empty my stamp shelves to move. Armfuls...and the inevitable "&*!*!, are they all this price?". I have ever since removed price labels. But it doesn't matter now. Too late! I'm feeling abit faint over your collection of the Holtz inky applicator for each colour I presume? Man, I thought I was obsessive!!
Waaaw, I am now having space envy! Love what you have done there and the colour is just yum! Had to click for a closer look at the applicators after Julias comment - blimey - and the carousel is pretty cool too.
I just love having a nosey into other peoples crafting spaces, and yours is no exception, looking good.. and not to worry, my other asks those kinda 'whats that for' questions all the time..i politely tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out :) lol
OMG how much stash have you got !!!! oooh sorry i sounded like John then lol, but it really does put my little cubby hole to shame xx
great shelves by the way... still waiting for mine to go up do you hire John out by any chance:)
What a fab hideaway!
duh they just don't get it do they?
i am filled with envy - a whole craft room! I have to make do with my living room (there is only me here) and at the moment don't even have a table to work on - my knees protest!!
I look forward to seeing some more of the art you create there.
I've been told "no more shelves" so I have resorted to leaving things on the floor. Love your crafting space but it looks a bit tidy to me!
Ooh that colour on your wall is absolutely fabulous ;-) it looks sooooo tidy considering your OH has recently been in there working. What's on my desk is an absolute mess as usual :O
Anne x
Well now I know where you 'make art'! My DH asked me once, ages ago now before the shop, how much is an average stamp - I told him £5 and then he started counting.....had to rush him out of the room pretty darn quick I can tell you.
love your craft loft especially that window..dont kill him as you need someone to put up more shelves and cook the dinner
Fabulouss!!!! Love the window!!!
And the shelves....great job!
Linda C
WOW Linda, lovely room. So this is where you are inspired to produce all your wonderful work. So wish I had somewhere like this. As for John, lol at the pokey tool and bone folder comments
Does John want to visit my room of stash and get some shelves up????? Cos I have been waiting for about 70 years for Grim to do mine ROFL...the window goes well with your Pirate card on a ship, you know, a porthole jobbie....I will examine the handywork tomorrow hun...can't wait!!!! xx
I have just sat here laughing to myself but rather loudly. Did he live? x
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